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Our Services

People. Process. Technology




Leaders in an organization, whether in business or in government, are always pressured to constantly seek to find means to survive, grow, and thrive in this fast-changing VUCA environment. 


It is a realization for leaders that the act of doing strategy formulation is more than just having a strategy. Given the nature of constant change in our current and future landscape, it is in strategizing that the organization become clear of what they want to achieve, why do want it, and how they will navigate it through the VUCA world. 


Strategies are dynamic and constantly challenge by changes that happen locally and globally. This act of strategizing and planning becomes their strategy to providing a shared view among the leaders and its people in an organization.


We provide the following strategy services:

  • Design and facilitation of strategy workshops for executives

  • Visioning using Lego Serious Play by Certified LSP facilitators

  • Facilitation of Real Time Strategy through LSP

  • Facilitation of strategy deployment workshops (such as Hoshin Kanri and OKR)


LEGO, SERIOUS PLAY are trademarks of the LEGO Group


Agile Project Management


Execution is key to making great strategies happen. In order to execute the strategies of the organization, initiatives need to be prioritized, undertaken, and realized. Faced with a uncertain and often ambiguous landscape, the circumstances that these initiatives can be executed seamlessly is never achieved.


The idea of embracing agility, both in mindset and in action, requires a shift of perspective for the leader and its people. Agility offers a way to help produce results that matter quickly from the many initiatives of an organization.


We provide the following services in agile project management:

  • Design and train practical project management workshops for project leaders and teams

  • Develop and train Agile Teams on agile methods

  • Mentor and Coach agile teams in their agile initiatives

  • Mentor and coach leaders on their agile journey

  • Train agile leaders on agile leadership and agile organization


Agile Leadership Journey by Agile Leadership Journey LLC

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Business Process Management


Changing operational mindset is achieved through experiential learning emphasizing on customer value as the main driver for operational excellence and its impact to business value. We believe in a project-based learning with mentoring and coaching in order to accomplish a quick return on training investments. The primary tools used are Lean Thinking and Six Sigma methodologies.


Sustaining process improvement requires process standardization.  Process standardization serves as the foundation for planned process automation. Process and system documentation becomes critical not only for external recognition, but more importantly internal control and consistency of process outputs. The key activities under Process Standardization and Automation involve training investments on lean thinking concept of visual factory, quality management system and project management support.


We provide the following services in business process management:

  • Design and conduct process improvement workshops for leaders and teams.

  • Mentor and Coach process improvement teams in their projects.

  • Mentor and coach leaders in establishing and developing the culture of continuous improvement in their organization.

  • Conduct process improvement, efficiency and productivity studies.

  • Provide support on preparing organizations for quality management certification.

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Customized Learning & Development


Our professional learning service is focused on providing a unique learning experience for professionals who are interested to explore and expand their knowledge and practice of operations management. We follow a proven learner-centered approach in a small group environment of professional learners using coaching and facilitation led by mentors with academic and professional practice. The learning courses combine theory and application emphasizing on the understanding and use of these concepts and ideas leading to real performance results for the organization


Our Learning Courses makes use of the following learning methodologies and techniques:

  • Learner-centered framework to professional learning

  • Mindset driven program outcomes

  • Mentoring and facilitation approaches to instructions

  • Activity based learning exercises

  • Cloud aided learning support, assessment, and feedback


The following are the topics we offer but not limited to:

  • Lean and Six Sigma

  • Design Thinking

  • Business Analytics

  • Agile Project Management

  • Design of Experiments

  • Statistical Process Control

  • Time and Motion Study

  • New Product Development

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Customer Centricity & Innovation


An important aspect of the customer-centric approach is to shift our mindset from an inward to an outward focus perspective. This outward focus on our services forces us to see, understand, reflect, connect, and enhance our ability to satisfy our customers. In the end, by embracing a customer-centric philosophy, we believe business performance follows.


By having a customer-centric approach, we are moving from pursuing cost-cutting activities for ourselves and focusing on undesirable, unnecessary, wasted, and frustrating activities by our customers, and channeling them to a superior customer experience that results in more revenues and reasonable costs for our business.


We provide the following services in customer-centricity and innovation:

  • Design and conduct Design Thinking workshops for teams and leaders.

  • Mentor and Coach project teams in their customer-centric initiatives.

  • Mentor and coach leaders on their customer-centricity journey.


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Business Analytics


One of the ways of maximizing business value is by leveraging business data. This is achieved by utilizing the right analytics toolset to enable or support decision-making. These tools can include developing analytical and optimization decision models and simulations or using off-the-shelf statistical and machine learning models and analysis. These approaches allow for management to gain more insightful perspectives to consider in arriving at their strategic and operational decisions that have a direct impact on either topline revenues or capital and operational expenditures.


We provide the following services under our data analytics business segment:

  • Assistance in designing an organization's data strategy

  • Defining business use cases for data

  • Building business decision support models (optimization or simulation) under the realm of prescriptive analytics

  • Doing statistical or machine learning modeling

  • Developing data visualization and designing dashboards

  • Training and capacitating on data analytics skillset

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